Monday, August 25, 2008

Crazy Ol' Kids

In my neighborhood I've noticed some of the craziest kids doing the craziest things. Yesterday I saw a kid drop the hill onto North Main with a razor scooter. He dropped Abbott St. Abbott St. is so bumpy you have to slow down to less than 10 mph to avoid bottoming out your car. North Main is busy. Today on my way home I saw a 13 year old on a "motorcycle" and a passenger rip down Camp St. He almost dumped it because he doesn't know how to really ride a bike & manage the weight of a passenger. He swerved hard a few times to stay upright. The bike was still larger than the kid and passenger combined. He then kept right on going. The bike was one of those mini bikes but it was totally done up. Very wide front and what looked like a somewhat large engine. Damn...the thing looked cool though.

About cycling, I've been out riding more this week than past weeks, trying to build up to Bob Beals. Cross is coming too. I really have no expectations for cross except to have fun. I guess I should start doing some specific training though.

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